Work All Saint John and Area Award (WASJAA)

Created for the Loyalist City amateur Radio Club Inc.

Award is given for confirmation of having Two Way Radio Communication with 25 stations in the Saint John and Area.

To qualify for WASJAA:

    In order to qualify for the award, 25 contacts are required.
    Same operator  can be contacted on 4 Bands= 4 contacts.
    Simplex (phone) contacts only on 2m,uhf,  HF, 
No Repeaters to be used.
    Suggest 146.520 as the preferred 2m frequency, 446.100uhf,  HF-10m(28.500),80m(3.730) phone only bands.
    Contacts starting Dec 22-2020 will count for the award.
    The honour system will be used. No QSL cards are required.
    Any mobile stations passing through the Saint john and Area will count for the award.
    Net contacts DO NOT count. (ie Sunday VHF Simplex Net, or the Maritime HF net).
    To obtain your Award, send a list of your 25 contacts to Doug via email at
    A blank submission form is available on this webpage to attach with the email.
    The certificate is a (.png) file (8.5×11) suitable for printing by the recipient.

PDF Submission Form